AFTCO steps up big, updates 2022 B.A.S.S. Nation Conservation Grants

After the announcement during the Conservation Summit at the 2022 Bassmaster Classic, AFTCO is pleased to announce an update to our successful Conservation Grant program with the B.A.S.S. Nation. In 2022, AFTCO is excited to have more funds available for this year bringing the total to $35,000. In addition, there will now be no limit to the amount that can be requested to see increased participation in the Conservation Grants.

Since 2018, AFTCO has funded a conservation grant with B.A.S.S. to support the need for freshwater conservation projects around the country. This conservation grant has funded more than $60,000 towards freshwater habitat and vegetation projects from B.A.S.S. Nation affiliated clubs around the country.

With a successful business year in 2021, AFTCO is looking at opportunities to increase their contributions to reach their company 10% Pledge (pledging 10% of company profits to conservation initiatives). With the grant amount being raised to $35,000, there will be the ability to fund an estimated two to three more projects.

The 2021-22 Conservation Grant season saw many habitat enhancement projects. “We like to support these projects because habitat is where it’s at!” said Gene Gilliland, the Conservation Director of B.A.S.S. “Habitat projects can make an immediate and visible impact that can improve the quality of fishing.” Gene works closely with AFTCO during the application decision process and is a great resource when looking for freshwater conservation organizations to support.

The Grant Program is open to all B.A.S.S. Nation state chapters: adult, junior, high school and college clubs. Application deadline is May 1, with winners being announced in early June. For more information on the grant criteria and the online application form, visit