
Social media and fishing

Jacob Powroznik

When I was growing up, if I wanted to learn about fishing, I looked to the men in my life to teach me. Just as many of the other professional...

Mellow, wins

Don Barone

(or the night I saw Michael Jordan wink) “You jump, jump here…” Dateline: After the weigh-in “Patience will achieve more than force.”~Edmund Burk It was close, the game, maybe two,...

Electronic imaging features

Kevin VanDam

Modern fishing electronics equipped with side imaging (SI) and down imaging (DI) have changed the way I fish. You can find similar features on other brands, but there have been...

Why I fish docks

Brandon Card

Whenever I’m asked about why I fish docks my answer is always the same: Docks are some of the most reliable places on any body of water to find bass....

Figuring out the fish

Alton Jones

I think the biggest impact from the cancellation of the Sabine River Elite Series event is that it created the longest break during the 2018 season, excluding the Classic. So...

How I’ll fish Grand Lake

Brandon Lester

Anybody ever heard of the new “baby pattern”? Apparently it’s a thing or at one point was. If so then Seth Feider and I should be in good shape this...

Spring break

Bernie Schultz

By the time you read this, we’ll be fishing our second event of the 2018 Bassmaster Elite Series. Hard to believe, I know. It’s been 11 long weeks since Takahiro...

db: Grand

Don Barone

“All my life’s a circle…” Dateline: Grove, Oklahoma “The journey not the arrival matters.”T. S. Eliot  We’re back. Did you miss us? Last time we had a regular season Elite...

Working out windy conditions

Jason Christie

This spring has been one of the windiest we’ve had, and it brings up several points that are worth considering. You know, we hear the phrase “wind is your friend”...

Getting everything there is to get

Matt Lee

Several months ago I wrote a column about catching everything there was from an area. At the time I credited that approach for my being more competitive. I still give...

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