These guys have been off all week on BassTrakk. While the whole field is the best bunch of sandbaggers in the world, the real issue is how difficult it is to judge the weights of the fish.
Looking at BassTrakk now it has Zaldain at 8 pounds and change. I think that’s very light. But again judging these fish is harder than you think.
Zaldain might have closer to 10 than 8 in my estimation but that’ll get you nothing at the bank.
But we have seen him catch and release at least three that appeared to be 2-pounds. Any of those would fill out his limit and have him in second. But he’s showing a 1-12. And none close to 4 pounds.
I believe he has a 4-pounder. And nothing under 2. But I’m looking through a lens 100 yards away.
I think Zaldain is in second any way. One big one and he turns up the heat on Schmitt.
So while this morning has seemed slow, at least to me, there seems to be some drama brewing that won’t come to a head until the weigh in.