Patrick Walters’ love for Lake Fork continues to grow. Coming off his victory here last November, Walters has taken the lead this morning and is just shy of the 30-pound mark at 10 a.m. He plucked the big bass of the day so far from a “watermelon patch.” It weighed 8-14 and did not meet the 24-inch minimum to qualify to be brought to the weigh-in.
“That’s the shortest watermelon I’ve ever seen,” Walters said. When it was officially weighed at 8-14, he put it on a measuring board and it was 23-plus-inches long. Walters looked at his judge after releasing the fish and said, “Was that not the shortest, fattest fish you’ve ever seen in your life?”
With the exception of one glide bait fish early, Walters has caught his fish on a jerkbait, just like he did last fall. But he’s throwing it in different areas now – shallow points. He said he thinks he’s catching pre-spawners and post-spawners in transition. Whatever the case, his 29-pound, 7-ounce limit has room for growth, as he’s got a 2-1 and a 4-5 included.
“I love this place,” Walters said.