Anchor Bay in the northwest corner of Lake St. Clair was very, very good to Frank Talley. At least it was on Days 1 and 2. He had bags of 19-10 and 22-10. But today was a completely different story.
There was very little wind there today and Talley’s bite all but disappeared. After four hours of fishing he had a 1-1 and a 2-8. He also had three fish come unbuttoned. That didn’t happen during the first two days.
Talley had three good spots in Anchor Bay, and nothing else to fall back on.
At 11:15 he reluctantly said, “I’m going to go to Plan B.”
What might that be?
“I suppose I’m going to go out into the big lake where there’s some wind and see if I can find something.”
If it sounds like Talley had a frustrating morning, he did. But despite that the big Texas kept his composure and his chipper attitude throughout.
Talley started the day in 10th place in the tournament and 27th in Angler of the Year. Whatever happens today, Talley certainly feels good about the trend of his Elite career. He has cashed checks (made the top 40) in five out of the last six Elite tournaments, going back to Tenkiller in 2019.