Obviously, Gerald Swindle hasn’t gotten gun-shy about boat-flipping a 4-pounder. Swindle, who lost a 4-pounder that came unhooked during a boat flip attempt early this morning, successfully swung a 4 1/2-pounder in the boat at 10:30. It broke a dry spell and put Swindle back in contention with an estimated 12-pound, 5-ounce limit. It left Swindle shaking.
“I’m shaking like there’s a 12-point buck under my tree and I can’t move,” he said.
Swindle is a noted junk fisherman, but he’s locked in on a 1/4-ounce white buzzbait, trailing it with a white Zoom Z-Craw Jr. “I think I’ve seen a way to win this tournament with a buzzbait,” he said earlier this morning.