Storm knocks out coverage

With our internet down, feeds down, BASSTrakk down and in an area where there is very little cell service it's tough to get any knowledge of what is taking place on the water.

The storm has really thrown kinks into a lot of good plans.

With our internet down, our feeds down, our BASSTrakk down and in an area where there is very little, if any, cell service it's tough to get any real knowledge of what is taking place on the water.
We assume it's rocking like it was in the middle of washing machine. We don't know for sure. 
We hope it helped some of these guys catch more fish: No sense getting all that wet with nothing to show for it.
And we hope they all get back in safely. We will continue to make some calls and try and get some updates, but everything on BASSTrakk is from before the storm.
We now have to rely on spotty cell service and that's only if the angler isn't running back to the weigh in.