Powroznik settles in

“I’ve been around the world and two state fairs, and I’ve never seen anything like this before,” exclaimed Jacob Powroznik. 

State Fairs and world travels aside, the Falcon Pro has had an interesting start to his day. 

To start, Powroznik began his day in an area all to himself amidst schooling fish. Through a series of near misses and a rotation of baits, he boated a near two-pounder. 

The next stop brought more of the same, only this time, there were significantly more fish, larger fish and more schooling action near the boat. Still, J-Pow only managed to boat one fish for nearly two pounds. 

During one of his reties, we talked and I admitted that I hadn’t seen anything quite like the start we had to the day. At one point, the schooling action around the boat was so rapid and intense, it was like watching your niece or nephew playing whack-a-mole at your neighborhood Chuck-E-Cheese. 

After a short run, relocation and reset of the rods on deck, we moved into an area where Powroznik hopes to do some damage, perhaps with his eyes. 

The first effort produced this four-pounder without much work. “I’ve got eight more marked in this area,” said the Prince George, Virginia native. 

If that’s truly the case, we’ll be here awhile and we should be adding willing participants to the boat ride for today.