Pirch culling

Clifford Pirch, by the way, he prefers Clifford rather than Cliff, is video-game fishing, like a lot of guys this week. When he goes to the front deck, he turns around the monitor mounted by the driver's seat, so he can look at both sonar monitors. He is constantly shifting his eyes back and forth, surveying both screens. You'll see that something has obviously caught his attention when he makes a cast to drop-shot a specific area. It might be toward the bow, or closer to the stern.

Pirch has culled once in the last 30 minutes, remarking, "it won't help a lot, but it will help."

That should put him close to 16 pounds. Yesterday, when he had 22-9, Pirch was done by 11 o'clock. That isn't the case today, although this weather is exactly what several guys, like Kevin VanDam and Aaron Martens, wanted – partly cloudy skies and some wind.

You haven't seen much about water temperature this week, but for the record it is 71.5 degrees here. We're still wearing light jackets, as hard as that is to imagine in the South today.