Remember, it’s all about the points

It takes a different mindset to keep up with this tournament. Basically, it boils down to this: Aaron Martens has to finish 16 places higher in the standings than Greg...

Hackney on the edges

Greg Hackney is fishing along the edges of a large bowl near No-See-Em Creek. The middle of the bowl is around 25 feet deep, but around the edges it is only 5...

Hackney culling

Greg Hackney just caught a nice 3 and a half pounder, culling up about a pound.    "How much you got Greg?" I asked.   "Not enough." He smiled. "On Thursday they...

Hackney with a limit

Greg Hackney just caught a big-un–a 4 pound smallmouth. That's a limit, for about 15 pounds total.  Prior to this fish, things looked a little tense in the Hack boat. But this...

Martens makes a move

Aaron Martens has moved further back in Little Bay de Noc to another spot where we saw him Thursday. We can see Mark Davis and Skeet Reese off in the...

Hackney with No. 4 on a drop shot

Greg Hackney just landed keeper number 4 on a drop shot. This one looked to be about 2 and a half pounds, giving him 11 to 12 pounds for the day. After...

Hackney with 3rd keeper

Greg Hackney just put his 3rd keeper in the livewell. It appeared to be around 2 and 3/4-pounds. That gives him 8 to 9 pounds for the day. Hackney is now fishing...

Pipkens-esque hair

Overstreet just asked me if his hair looks like Chad Pipkens today. I’m thinking it does. I may challenge him to get a purple mohawk if the final day of AOY ever...

Hackney with second keeper

Greg Hackney just put his second keeper in the livewell. We're guesstimating it's a 2-pounder. Maybe a little less. He is throwing a crankbait now.

A jarring run

We just made a 12 mile run south, following Greg Hackney down to No-See-Em Creek. After only catching one fish in Little Bay  Hackney made a bone jarring run down here. At...

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