Crochet ahead of schedule

Crochet continues with his slow and steady approach, picking apart every piece of cover in front of him.   He just said he was ahead of schedule from yesterday when...

Clunn’s key cast Friday

Against his better judgement, Rick Clunn made a final cast to one spot Friday – a place where he'd caught four 5-pounders on four casts around 10 a.m. That gave...

Stuck in the middle of Crochet and Tietje

Dennis Tietje pulled up a few minutes ago about 200 yards from Crochet.   They are virtually doing the same thing. I can only imagine what it's like casting to...

Life of a camera boat driver

Darrell Garza would rather be fishing Falcon Lake this week, but he's having some fun as a camera boat driver for Steve Bowman. That's Garza's iPhone photo of Cliff Crochet...

Best laid plans…

Yesterday, I wrote a blog post here explaining why we had some issues with the weigh in. Fortunately, later that night, we found a way to get most of that...

Ish, The Philosopher

Ish is steadily giving Fletcher advice. His latest philosophy is: "If you feel it, you fish it." That was in regards to the different type cover they were fishing. Ish...

Are you smiling?

Fletcher made a quick move up the lake. By the time we had caught up with him, he had limited out.   Those five, though, weigh only about 17 or...

Shryock needs two more

We caught up to Fletcher Shryrock on the main lake. He's searching for a couple of shallow bites. He has three in the well that weigh around 14. That's with...

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