Crochet weighs in

  Cliff Crochet caught three fish total for 10 pounds. His overall: 82-6.

Crews surprises as weigh-in

  John Crews surprised everyone with 29-7. He had two hogs in the 8- to 9-pound range. His total was 103-13

Christie weighs in on Day Four

  Next up is Jason Christie, another rookie, who is fishing his first final day in his start-up year.   Christie's day was not nearly as strong as we are...

Bertrand at the scales

  Josh Bertrand is the first up in today's weigh in.   He's a rookie and in just his second event.   He's had a great day, weighing in 27-2....

Tale of the tape

  As these last-minutes start to wind down, you start doing the math in your head. Typically when we have a BassTrakk finish that is 1-pound in margin, it's too...

Clunn heating up

Rick Clunn has now caught three fish in the last 20 minutes. He just landed an estimated3-pounder, which allowed him to dump a 2-pounder.   In the photos attached, you can...

Drama at Falcon Lake

Watching all of this take place, I can't help but think about how unusual some of this is. By all accounts, Keith Combs is about 3-pounds ahead of Clunn. In any...

Clunn back in race with 7-pounder

Rick Clunn just announced in a big way that he's going to be in this thing until the end, if you had any doubts. He just landed a 7-pounder . But James...

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