Boyd Duckett has two keepers in the livewell. His second fish is 2 1/2 pounds.
OK, an update already. Duckett just reeled in his third keeper. This one is a 2-pounder. BASSTrakk is adding that up to be 8.6 pounds. Not bad for 40 minutes of fishing.
Duckett is fishing on Maple Bay. The same spot he’s been in all week. It’s just a five-minute ride from launch. This morning that ride was very choppy. In fact, I need to give props to the design of Tim Horton’s coffee cup. It looks like your basic carry out cup, but it must have some special qualities. This morning it went flying out of the cup holder, landed on the floor of our boat, and rolled around for a minute before I noticed it. No spillage! Which I’m very happy about.