We are chasing Chris Zaldain this morning in the most literal sense of the word.
Zaldain who has always marched to a different drummer in these derbies is on a huge flat literally chasing birds. This flat is easily three miles long, possibly a half-mile wide or more.
It’s surrounded by spawning grounds. And Is the most obvious place for post spawners to move to. Finding them in this expanse is like the proverbial needle in a haystack. Except the gulls on the lake are providing a lot of clues. Big schools of baitfish always have fish around them. And gulls like to attack from above.
So like an angler chasing schoolers, Zaldain is running to and fro to flocks of birds as they give away the locations of the bait.
It’s like watching a dog chase its tail. And like the dog occasionally catches its tail, so does Zaldain run across a bite or two.
He’s hooked up twice. Losing one and catching a dink. But still chasing.
This isn’t his primary pattern. But one he’s utilizing early in hopes of catching one or two of the big roamers on this gigantic flat. Interesting to watch.