You cover these tournaments long enough and you will see just about everything. Brandon Card added a new one to a long list.
Card is fishing offshore in this “sight-fishing” derby. And he’s doing well. When all this went down he was in third place with 25 pounds and change.
Then he hooked up with another big one. The fight took him to a tree where we watched anxiously as he begged the fish to work its way out.
As luck would have it. It unwrapped and made its way free. It was already tenuous. Then it got a little weird.
Card went from begging this “big un” to get out of the tree. To exclaiming. “I don’t know what it is now, but it is big.”
A few more tugs and winds of the reel, Card brings to the surface a 6 pound, 3-ounce lunker that was firmly tail-hooked.
Pretty standard fish catch if it had been hooked in the mouth. To get it in after tussling with a tree and being hooked in the tail is one it the more fortunate things I’ve ever seen in a big-time derby.