A lot of day left for Arey

There’s a lot of day left. Once it’s over a lot of these competitors will be talking about what could have been.

Matt Arey is in position to win this event. And currently he has the best shot at thinking the most about that.

He currently has two fish in the well for about 7 pounds. That’s about 2-pounds and change from the lead. The what could have been happened right off the bat for him. He hooked into and lost a fish he estimated to be 7 pounds.

The fish waked it’s way to his frog in ultra shallow water in a way that Arey said “actually scared me.”

Those are the kind of fish that turn the tide of Championship Sunday. It would have given him a commanding lead of 5 pounds or so with two fish remaining to fill his limit.

There will be other moments for Arey as well. He’s missed several fish on a frog. And yesterday while we followed him in the afternoon he missed a 4-pound class fish that would have cut into the margin.

Currently he’s still pecking about as are the rest. He’s likely focused on the next bite. But driving home those misses will haunt him every mile of the way.