On the hook with Rain Williams

Fishing has been a cherished family tradition for me, overcoming gender barriers in a predominantly male sport, and empowering other women to embrace their passion and break barriers with courage and determination.

Introduction to Fishing

Some of my most amazing memories of fishing have always been with my mom and dad! From childhood up to now, any time spent fishing with either of them is always my favorite. My mom used to take my younger brother and me fishing all the time as kids. She is the one who taught me how to tie and bait a hook and catch my very first fish. We’d fish for bream from sunup to sundown. In my teenage years, my dad introduced me to bass fishing, and from then on, I’ve been hooked!

Experiences and Challenges

Being that the fishing community has historically been predominantly male-dominated, there are definitely some who have the traditional attitude of fishing being a male activity, causing them to believe women aren’t capable of succeeding or showing resistance towards women in the industry overall. I believe that the community is evolving and becoming more inclusive. As more women enter the fishing community and show their capabilities and passion for the sport, attitudes are shifting to a more positive stance and greater acceptance.

I’ve definitely had my share of negative experiences, but the positive always outweighs the bad. The thing is, you can have millions of positive things said or done, but the negative ones are the ones you seem to remember the most. That being said, I take them with a grain of salt, give a little “bless your heart,” and go on about my business. I could go on and on about the injustices, discrimination, and hatefulness from other people, but my reason for being in this outdoor industry is to spread positivity and break barriers.

Representation and Visibility

I believe every day more and more women are being represented, and the more we show up for one another and get other women involved, the more we will see. The industry has really shown its support for women, and now that more women are coming into the industry, they have more representation and can provide more visibility for others.

Personal Achievements

I’m proud of my willingness to try new things. I’ve always loved bass fishing from the bank. I’ve now been saltwater fishing a few times. I freshwater fish from the boat and am now preparing to take on kayak fishing and will be fly fishing soon.

Advice for Aspiring Female Anglers

Go for it! Give it your absolute all. Nothing and no one can stop you. Embrace your passion with courage and determination, knowing that you can be the very one who inspires someone who is afraid to do what you do. Believe in the unique gifts and talents that you possess. Never let the fear of other people’s perceptions deter you from your aspirations; instead, let them be the steps that propel you upward. Remember that your voice and your dreams matter. Dream big, work hard, and never underestimate yourself and your ability to change the world. The journey may be challenging, but with perseverance and unwavering faith, you will succeed.

You can follow Rain on social media

Instagram: Rain_Outdoors

Facebook: Rain Outdoors

 Tiktok: Rain Outdoors

 Youtube: Rain Outdoors

 Website: Rainoutdoors.com