On the hook with Nicole Jacobs

Fishing is more than just a hobby for me, it's a cherished family tradition that has shaped who I am in Christ.

Introduction to Fishing

My fondest memories were with my father fishing at our cabin up on Rush Lake in Ottertail, MN. We would go for hours, and my father would pass on life lessons of putting God and family first. He also drove me to be the competitive angler that I am, humble in every victory or defeat.

Experiences and Challenges

I’ve done this for almost 10 years now. I’ve had more support than not. Being able to fish for Walmart was humbling, rewarding, and challenging. I’m grateful for everything I experienced and everyone I’ve encountered, good or bad. I’m not one to sugarcoat or downplay what it’s really like for women in fishing. Sexism is alive and well in fishing. You either let it kill you or motivate you. Women are held to a double standard in fishing, and we have to work twice as hard to get any praise. However, I feel people who don’t even know you and judge are your biggest critics. I’ve handled things right and handled things poorly. Not everyone will be in your corner, men or women. Forgive, forget, and move on, and always stay true to you! We all have a place here, and we all have different goals. I’m not the type to “stay in line.” I want to challenge the status quo. I’m here to make a true impact and speak truth and life into others through Christ.

Perceptions and Attitudes

I feel women will always be looked at as second best until we earn it. Fish don’t discriminate. I’ve always said that. Work hard on and off the water. Stand for something, or you will just be another woman staying in line and not moving the needle. With that being said, there has been tremendous growth for women in fishing. Coming up the high school and college ranks and more. It’s exciting!

Support Systems

I was fortunate to be a part of Women Making Waves, a campaign to get more women fishing. I have found some solid girlfriends, both fishing friends and professional friends. When I found the right female friends, life changed for me. I felt for so long women and the industry have had a scarcity complex that only one woman can make it to the top. When we share our experiences, strength, and hope, we can empower each other that there are different avenues to be successful here. And that’s powerful.

Advice for Aspiring Female Anglers

Fish don’t discriminate. Period. I’ll shoot you straight when it comes to competitive fishing; there will be many challenges: sexism, doubt, fear, and hate. However, when you stand for something in this industry, no matter what it is, you stand strong, with your head up, and you do you. Never change or let the industry mold you into something you’re not. Challenge yourself on and off the water. Respect others and never speak poorly. The industry can be a circus full of drama. Stay humble, stay focused, and give it your all! As far as recreational fishing goes, do it, be it, and experience it! Do you, girl!

You can follow Nichole Jacobs on social media:

  • Instagram: nicolefishing
  • Facebook: Nicole Jacobs Fishing