On the hook with Michaela James

Winning the 2023 Co-angler state championship and earning a spot at nationals marked a turning point in my fishing journey.

Introduction to fishing

As far as my first fishing memory, it is hard to pick an exact moment since there are so many from early in my life. My dad is the one responsible for my love of bass fishing; he might even tell you that I like it more than he does now. He has been fishing tournaments since he was 12. Living in Wisconsin, our fishing season is pretty short. Practically every weekend from April to October involved spending time out in the boat with my dad and brother. I was seven years old when I fished my first bass tournament and have participated in many since then.

Experiences and challenges

Some positive experiences I have encountered as a woman in the fishing community include the amount of support I have received while fishing in local clubs and open tournaments in northeast Wisconsin. I have fished some tournaments with my best friend Sara, and we have been told on numerous occasions by others how it is really cool to see two females fishing in tournaments.

Some negative experiences I have encountered include the assumption that, because I am a woman, I should not know how to operate a boat, much less back the trailer into the water by myself to load and unload. I have been told things such as, “Not going to lie, I was preparing for a show waiting to see you unload this boat and figured I was going to have to jump in and help you,” by other boaters who were at the boat landing at the same time as I was.

Support systems

I have found the “Casting Queens Empire” to be one of the best social media groups that empower female anglers to engage in a male-dominated sport. This group can be found on Facebook and also has an Instagram page to encourage women to support other female anglers in the fishing community. Many pictures are shared, and tips are also given to help women become better anglers and engage in the sport.

Personal achievements

One of my biggest achievements in my fishing career that I am proud of was my 2023 Co-angler state championship title for the Wisconsin Bass Nation on the Chippewa Flowage. This was a two-day tournament where I was leading both days, which led to my winning the co-angler side. This achievement has earned me a ticket to fish nationals on Grand Lake of the Cherokees in Oklahoma later this year in November.

Advice for aspiring female anglers

Some advice I would give to young women and girls who are interested in pursuing fishing either as a hobby or career is to go for it. Look for local fishing clubs to join, tag along with a friend or family member on a fishing trip, and don’t give up even if you don’t catch anything. Be willing to try new techniques, and search YouTube for various videos that can help with learning new things such as knot tying. Fishing out of the back of someone’s boat is not a bad thing, whether it be a club member’s or your dad’s. Use this as a learning opportunity.

You can follow Michaela on Instagram: @michaelajames97