On the hook with Miah Bockenstette

From childhood memories of fishing with my family to becoming a successful tackle shop owner, my journey has been fueled by a passion for the sport and a commitment to supporting fellow anglers.

Introduction to Fishing

The earliest memory I have of fishing is the summer nights my dad, uncle, and I went to our local pond down the road. I had a pink tackle box and my own fishing rod; I must have been six years old. I don’t remember catching anything, but that didn’t matter. I would play with the salmon eggs and dig in the dirt with my dolls. It was always a good time watching the sunset on the water.

Perceptions and Attitudes

I will never forget scrolling the internet and seeing a post that read, “What is one thing your buddy says that will ruin your fishing trip?” I decided to read the comments. Too often, people responded with, “I brought my wife.” This gave me several emotions. As the wife of an angler, I would never want my presence to ruin your experience, unless I outfish you—then that’s a different take.

Other than those silly posts, for the most part, when I explain to others that I go out and fish with my husband, they think it’s awesome or say they wish their significant other would go with them. My response is simply, take them, teach them, and enjoy the outdoors!

Support Systems

Joining social media was the best decision ever! At first, I was a bit intimidated, but social media connected me to a wide variety of women just like me! My goal was to support women and share my passion for fishing and all the joy it brings. Now that I own a tackle shop, I am able to connect more personally with women anglers in my community, and it is amazing.

I have noticed an increase in women in fishing media, events, and leadership roles. I think this is awesome. The more women represent, the more women will know they aren’t alone, and it’s okay to try something new. Even if you have no idea what you are doing, you’ll learn and grow over time!

Personal Achievements

My biggest accomplishment is opening up a tackle shop within three months while also being a mom and working full-time. It wasn’t something that was planned, but the opportunity arose, and my husband and I jumped on it! It’s awesome to say that I am a successful tackle shop owner.

Advice for Aspiring Female Anglers

Try it out, 100%! Watch a few YouTube videos or stop in your local tackle shop and ask any questions you have! It’s okay not to know what you are doing; what matters is that you’re willing to try something new, and that’s the best part!

My goal as a woman angler is to let other women out there know that fishing is awesome! Also, always try new things! When women come into my shop, I love talking and connecting with them. It’s huge to have support in this sport, and my absolute goal is to give as much support as possible!

You can follow Miah and her business on Instagram: @mrs_northwest.tackle @northwest.tackle