Nicole Nguyen’s TikTok Fishing Journey

From a quiet pond in Lafayette, Indiana, to becoming a viral sensation on TikTok, Nicole Nguyen's fishing journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. In just a few months, Nicole has captivated audiences with her genuine love for the sport and her willingness to learn. Her story is a testament to the power of authenticity and passion in a digital age.

Introduction to Fishing

My name is Nicole Nguyen, and I’m 22 years old. I was born and raised in Lafayette, Indiana. Growing up, I actually didn’t fish much. There was a pond in my parent’s neighborhood, but I probably fished it 3-4 times a year, so practically nothing. It wasn’t until the beginning of this past June that I decided to make a TikTok just for fun trying to get into it. I was two weeks away from completing the IU School of Medicine’s Medical Laboratory Science program and 2 months away from graduating Purdue University, so I was just looking for a stress-free outlet and something to do. I have always loved the outdoors, so fishing was very easy to gravitate towards.

The Viral Video Moment

There was no real inspiration to create the video besides having a goal of making sure no one found the account, which sounds silly. My fishing account was actually a second account I created because I wanted no one from high school or anyone I knew to see anything I was posting, hence the username “morganwallensluver.” It was an account that I used to post things out of boredom, so that first fishing video that went viral was really just for fun and a way to keep track of the fishes I caught. I think I had 150 followers at that moment.

Overnight Sensation: Reaction to Viral Success

It was unreal. I went to bed after posting that first video with maybe 500 views and woke up to 7,000 new followers with 500,000 views. It has just been growing since then. I just kept thinking to myself, “oh gosh, who would want to follow me,” “why is this video blowing up,” and “I hope my family and friends haven’t seen this.” Basically, I was in denial. It was crazy, and I still think it’s crazy, but it’s what has pushed me to keep putting out videos. I wasn’t someone who loved posting on social media, but the support has been phenomenal from everyone.

Rapid Growth: Navigating Social Media Fame

It has been so rewarding, and I cannot express how grateful I am. I was very lucky to get to experience ICAST and meet so many great people. Whether they were pro anglers, businesses, or people who recognized me from TikTok, it has started to open so many doors and opportunities. I just hope I am able to give back to this industry and the people who have supported me in some way.

Influencing the Fishing Community

I think my viral success within TikTok has brought more visibility to fishing, specifically to women in fishing. I am very open to showing that I am new to it, and it reflects in my videos. I believe that my transparency has definitely brought more people to fishing. I get comments telling me that people went and fished for the first time because of me, and that is really my favorite part of doing this. Fishing can 100% be intimidating—I mean, I’m still trying not to be intimidated by it. However, seeing everyone, no matter the age or gender, trying fishing for the first time or posting their fishing content, as well as interacting with my posts, is just so amazing. I wouldn’t want it to be any other way.

Social Media Strategies for Success

The most effective strategy or technique was keeping my content short as well as including things in my videos that the typical fishing vlog wouldn’t include, like a “fit check,” which just shows my outfit of the day. It gives it a more personal feel, in my opinion.

Tips for Creating Engaging Fishing Content

Create content that would catch YOUR eye and make YOU watch it. Something I struggled with in the beginning was that I was trying so hard to fit into these trends or do what someone else was doing. No one wants to watch another video of something they have seen 100+ times, at least I don’t. I try to edit my videos in a way to where it would get my attention if I was scrolling on TikTok. At the end of the day, it is your account, your time, your fishing. Instead of trying to be someone else, make your videos yours, show your personality, make it fun! If the goal is to create engaging content, ask yourself, would you have stopped and watched your video?

Video Techniques and Editing Tips

Keeping them short really helped me. Personally, I lose attention in TikToks over 1-2 minutes if they are not super interesting or informative. I wanted to keep my videos within that time span because I knew if I could barely watch past a minute, the chances are not many other people will stay interested if there is not interesting content. Also, LIGHTING! Good lighting is key for TikTok!

Future Plans and Ambitions

My plans for the future include taking fishing more seriously and continuing to learn about it. Education has always been fascinating to me. There is always room to grow and learn no matter the subject. This last month has really opened my eyes to how big this industry really is, how many fishing species there are, and so many ways to do it. My goal is to save up for a boat and a vehicle to try a fishing tournament one day! In the future, I would love to possibly host a fishing event/tournament to be able to give back to the community or anglers. It would be amazing to be able to provide something like scholarships one day. I also want to save up and be able to assist and give back to my parents as well. Something I am very excited to share is that I have recently become sponsored by The Googan Squad for their soft plastics and hard baits. I am so thankful they’ve decided to take a chance on me and cannot wait to see how this relationship grows!

Advice for Aspiring Influencers

There is truly nothing more unique than being you. I can only speak about TikTok, as it is my main social media platform, but TikTok is an app where people love to watch authenticity and personality. As popular as trends are, you want to be known and remembered for something you do or say specifically, not what someone else is doing or saying. Making yourself stand out, as well as consistency, is the key to growing an audience. Make videos that would catch your attention if you were scrolling on TikTok. I have to remind myself of this sometimes too, but the views, followers, and likes are all just numbers. At the end of the day, it is easiest to be your own critic and enemy. Be your biggest supporter, post that picture or video, and never give up on yourself and your goals.

Nicole Nguyen’s unexpected rise to fame is a testament to the power of being true to oneself. Her journey is inspiring new generations of anglers, showing that fishing is a passion that anyone can pursue—whether they are starting in their local pond or aiming for the stars on TikTok. Keep up with Nicole’s latest adventures and continue to watch her grow in the world of fishing by following her on TikTok. @morganwallensluver