Hackney doing something very different

Greg Hackney has a sneaky little deal all to himself. Well… it was a sneaky little deal, but it’s been plastered across Bassmaster LIVE now, so the cat has officially clawed its way out of the bag. What Hackney is doing can’t really be duplicated easily in other areas, fishing current behind a small dam. 

He’s caught two quality fish already, and has reported very conservative weights for each to tally a total of 4- pounds, 9- ounces, which has him sitting in 13th place unofficially on BassTrakk. But taking into consideration that the second bass Hackney boated on his swimbait was a smallmouth measuring over 18 inches, and he called it a 2-2, he has more weight than he’s telling us. 

And he also just let us know that he should have four smallmouth in the boat already. We’ll have to keep an eye on Hackney, as a few casts on this spot could shake things up quickly.