Mountain Home, Ark. — Arkansas B.A.S.S. Nation members are selling raffle tickets for a Bass Cat bass boat to raise funds for the state chapter and individual clubs.
“Every other year Bass Cat (the Arkansas Nation’s major sponsor) provides us with a Margay boat, and we have to put the electronics and the motor on it,” Arkansas Nation President Ron Plate said. The Arkansas Nation has set a goal of selling 6,000 raffle tickets at $10 per ticket for the boat drawing.
Plate said the raffle is a fundraiser with the Arkansas Nation receiving $7.50 from each $10 ticket sold and the club that sold the ticket receiving the remaining $2.50. “We have raised some where around $20,000 to $25,000 in the past, but this year we are having tremendous ticket sales so I think we will do a lot better,” the Arkansas Nation president said.
Ticket sales end the last weekend of October during the Arkansas Nation state championship. “The club that sells the most tickets at the end gets a free entry fee into the state tournament,” Plate said.
Tickets are available from Arkansas Nation club members. Visit the Facebook pages of the Arkansas Nation or Arkansas Nation clubs for more details on the raffle.