Day One on Falcon

Go on the water with the Elite pros as they tackle Texas' famed Falcon Lake on Day One.

<p>Matt Greenblatt fishes near the take-off area during the opening minutes of Day One.</p>
Matt Greenblatt fishes near the take-off area during the opening minutes of Day One.
<p>Bernie Schultz casts to shallow cover.</p>
Bernie Schultz casts to shallow cover.
<p>Alton Jones takes off from the back of a pocket.</p>
Alton Jones takes off from the back of a pocket.
<p>Hank Cherry casts to shallow cover.</p>
Hank Cherry casts to shallow cover.
<p>A big pelican swings through the anglers getting a close-up view of how to catch fish.</p>
A big pelican swings through the anglers getting a close-up view of how to catch fish.
<p>Matt Reed fights his way through standing timber.</p>
Matt Reed fights his way through standing timber.
<p>Nearby Cliff Crochet fishes. The two share a friendly word then pass each other.</p>
Nearby Cliff Crochet fishes. The two share a friendly word then pass each other.
<p>Not long after, Matt Reed sets the hook.</p>
Not long after, Matt Reed sets the hook.
<p>He pulls the fish to the top of the water..</p>
He pulls the fish to the top of the water..
<p>And keeps it there as he pulls it toward the boat.</p>
And keeps it there as he pulls it toward the boat.
<p>The largemouth wallows on top of the water,</p>
The largemouth wallows on top of the water,
<p>But eventually is pulled close enough to the boat,</p>
But eventually is pulled close enough to the boat,
<p>for Reed to jerk him toward his livewell.</p>
for Reed to jerk him toward his livewell.
<p>The fish makes a bend in its back and Reed follows with almost the same exact bend in his back.</p>
The fish makes a bend in its back and Reed follows with almost the same exact bend in his back.
<p>This was Reed’s third keeper of the morning. He had lost as many as five up to that point.</p>
This was Reed’s third keeper of the morning. He had lost as many as five up to that point.
<p>It was also his largest at the time, forcing a noticeable sigh from the angler.</p>
It was also his largest at the time, forcing a noticeable sigh from the angler.
<p>With three fish in the boat, Reed is back at work.</p>
With three fish in the boat, Reed is back at work.
<p>Bill Lowen hopes to flip a big limit from the acres and acres of flooded trees in Falcon.</p>
Bill Lowen hopes to flip a big limit from the acres and acres of flooded trees in Falcon.
<p>This fish would be his limit fish.</p>
This fish would be his limit fish.
<p>The fish splashes across the water…</p>
The fish splashes across the water…
<p>as Lowen brings him to the opposite side of the boat.</p>
as Lowen brings him to the opposite side of the boat.
<p>After one last splash…</p>
After one last splash…
<p>Lowen gets ready to swing.</p>
Lowen gets ready to swing.
<p>The brings the fish over the gunwales.</p>
The brings the fish over the gunwales.
<p>Lowen shrugs his shoulders saying “what happened to the big ones?”</p>
Lowen shrugs his shoulders saying “what happened to the big ones?”
<p>A moment later, he hooks up again.</p>
A moment later, he hooks up again.
<p>This 2-pound fish skitters across the water.</p>
This 2-pound fish skitters across the water.
<p>As Lowen moves into position...</p>
As Lowen moves into position…
<p> swing him in the boat. Lowen released the keeper fish, saying “I don’t remember seeing fish that small in practice.”</p>
…to swing him in the boat. Lowen released the keeper fish, saying “I don’t remember seeing fish that small in practice.”
<p>Local commercial fishermen head to the bank for lunch after running their nets for the morning.</p>
Local commercial fishermen head to the bank for lunch after running their nets for the morning.
<p>Alton Jones works hard to cast his lures in the strong winds.</p>
Alton Jones works hard to cast his lures in the strong winds.
<p>His long cast, allows him to hook up.</p>
His long cast, allows him to hook up.
<p>He quickly gets it to the front of the boat.</p>
He quickly gets it to the front of the boat.
<p>Then pulls it aboard.</p>
Then pulls it aboard.
<p>The fish was in the 2-pound range and finished out Jones’ limit.</p>
The fish was in the 2-pound range and finished out Jones’ limit.
<p>Jones was quickly back to work.</p>
Jones was quickly back to work.
<p>The strong winds on Day One made it difficult for some anglers to get any distance with their offering.</p>
The strong winds on Day One made it difficult for some anglers to get any distance with their offering.
<p>Jones pulls up to leave.</p>
Jones pulls up to leave.
Cliff Prince makes a long cast on his first spot on Day One of the Rigid Industries Falcon Slam.
Cliff Prince makes a long cast on his first spot on Day One of the Rigid Industries Falcon Slam.
Casey Scanlon and James Elam were sharing a spot early in the day.
Casey Scanlon and James Elam were sharing a spot early in the day.
Timmy Horton flips a drop bait into a tree.
Timmy Horton flips a drop bait into a tree.
Britt Myers was hitting several waypoints he had marked in practice. 
Britt Myers was hitting several waypoints he had marked in practice. 
Jeremy Starks had two good fish in the livewell early in the day.
Jeremy Starks had two good fish in the livewell early in the day.
Starks stopped to re-tie before making another cast.
Starks stopped to re-tie before making another cast.
<p>Britt Myers makes another move.</p>
Britt Myers makes another move.
Starks sets the hook on another bass.
Starks sets the hook on another bass.
Starks boats the fish while his Day One Marshal snaps a photo. 
Starks boats the fish while his Day One Marshal snaps a photo. 
<p>Starks places his fourth fish of the day in the livewell.</p>
Starks places his fourth fish of the day in the livewell.
Starks heaves a cast with a Caroling rig.
Starks heaves a cast with a Caroling rig.
A spectator found Starks fishing along the shoreline and followed him on an ATV.
A spectator found Starks fishing along the shoreline and followed him on an ATV.
Starks fights another fish to the boat.
Starks fights another fish to the boat.
Starks was using a multitude of baits, including a crankbait.
Starks was using a multitude of baits, including a crankbait.
Starks releases a short fish.
Starks releases a short fish.
On the next cast, Starks boats a keeper.
On the next cast, Starks boats a keeper.
Starks grabs his pliers to remove the hooks.
Starks grabs his pliers to remove the hooks.
Falcon Lake is over 80,000 acres of water and offers a vast number of fishing locations to choose from.
Falcon Lake is over 80,000 acres of water and offers a vast number of fishing locations to choose from.
Kevin Hawk was one of several anglers that had chosen to fish shallow cover.
Kevin Hawk was one of several anglers that had chosen to fish shallow cover.
Russ Lane was fishing shallow in the same area as Kevin Hawk.
Russ Lane was fishing shallow in the same area as Kevin Hawk.
<p>Not all the fishermen on the lake were fishing a tournament.</p>
Not all the fishermen on the lake were fishing a tournament.
Clark Reehm said he had one fish in the livewell over 8 pounds.
Clark Reehm said he had one fish in the livewell over 8 pounds.
<p>Keith Combs fishes the lower end of the lake near Falcon Dam.</p>
Keith Combs fishes the lower end of the lake near Falcon Dam.
Combs was sharing water with J Todd Tucker.
Combs was sharing water with J Todd Tucker.
Chip Porche makes a move away from the dam.
Chip Porche makes a move away from the dam.
<p>Skeet Reese fishes Falcon Dam near the border crossing with Mexico.</p>
Skeet Reese fishes Falcon Dam near the border crossing with Mexico.
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